When I Stay At Home- I Blog (again...)

This is the first time I've taken time to blog in quite a long time. Forgive me if this one is super boring.

It's day something of being stuck at home. It's been like 20 or more and I'm not sure if I feel annoyed, tired, lazy, or complacent. I've learned that nobody is coming over, so it doesn't really matter if dishes are done. I don't really have to do my hair or makeup and I am eating whatever. That last part has my son who has autism telling me that I'm getting chubby. Thanks, kid!

If you would have told me when I started this blog ages ago that I would be witnessing a historical pandemic, I probably would have laughed. I also probably would not have pictured a pandemic quite like this. Who knew we'd be sitting at home like a bunch of potatoes scrolling through Tik Tok (admit it, you are!) and not even caring about the summer body because, meh.

How about homeschooling?! Are any of you having success? We are STILL adapting. There are days I feel like I'm doing an amazing job and the kids are making progress, then there are those days I want to hide. Days where my son sits in front of his bedroom door in protest and my daughter declares " I don't want to learn today!". I wonder if she gives her teacher that sass....

So here we are, all at home. nothing noteworthy to talk about and probably secretly loving the fact that we can let things go because there's nobody that will care, at least for now. I guess that is where the glass is half full in this chaotic time.

Stay safe and please, WASH YOUR HANDS!


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