Are you setting a good example?
photo credit: Chicago's North Shore Conventions & Visitors Burea via photopin cc As parents there is one truth that is universal. Say it with me, we are not perfect. We try. There are Moms out there that attend every playgroup and have every possible thing their child (or somebody else's child) could need. I see you! There are the moms that are part of every school organization that exists in their area. Then there are some of us who are doing well to get the kids dressed in the morning and keep up with the demands of our day. All of those Moms and Dads too share one common thread because we are all doing the best we can. Being human though, we are bound to make mistakes. We will slip from time to time. How you handle those slip ups is the important part. Our children are a reflection of us. That is bold for a reason. They are. When we sneak snacks from the kitchen thinking the kids aren't looking, chances are our kids are doing it too. When we stub our toe an...