
Showing posts with the label Life

The Roadblock

Sometimes as a mommy and wife, I think I'm superwoman. I want to do everything and neglect the little things. Then I start to see why I shouldn't. For me, the thing I seem to put on the back burner the most is my health. I have hypothyroidism and RA, so in the back of my mind I know I need to take care of things. Then that supermom instinct hits and I start thinking about the kids and my husband and our home. I think that it's starting to take a toll now, so I'm going to make it a point to take care of me. I'm doing it for myself and for my family. The wake up call came when I was getting out of bed. My sheets and pillow were covered in hair. Yep, my hair is falling out. It's a classic symptom of thyroid problems. At first I just pulled back my hair and kept plowing ahead. I'm now getting super tired really fast and I feel cranky too. Those are things telling me, it's time to stop procrastinating. I'm writing about it because i'm hoping that I ...

First Aid

Now that the summer months are here, it's time to think about first aid. From scrapes, to bee stings and everything in between, it all seems to happen more in the summertime. The first thing to do is make a first aid kit. There are always the staples of Band Aids and Neosporin. I can thank my freebie from Influenster again, I got my Neo to go. For those of you that don't, it is a great thing to have on hand. We have a great Pinterest board you can check out for more ideas on how to build your first aid kit. Summer also brings heat. When the kids hit the pool my second tip is valuable. Take a class. Learn CPR. You may just save your child's life or even somebody else's. Places like the Red Cross , the American Heart Association  and the YMCA are great places to start if you are looking for a class in your area.  Now for the hard part. Don't Panic. Even if you don't have a first aid kit on hand and you do not know CPR, the best thing you can do for ...

Win at the Columbus Children's Festival from Mission2Save!!

Are you looking for something fun to do on June 22??  If you are going to be in the Columbus, Ohio area there is the Kidslinked Columbus Children's Festival going on.   Mission2Save is giving away $250 in gift certificates to Cameron Mitchell's restaurants. You do have to be at the festival to win. So click the link for Mission2Save and sign up to win. There are also some great promo codes that they are sharing for the sports competitions and bubble blast! The deadlines are fast approaching, so don't delay!!  Good Luck!

Restaurant Woes

My children are 2 very different dynamics. My daughter is quiet and reserved and my son is everything BUT quiet and reserved. This can make for some interesting times when we are out in public. Today was no exception to those times. Since we had a busy morning we decided to take the kids and get lunch after my son's speech therapy. In theory, it sounded like a good idea. In hindsight, maybe not so much. My son has to sit still during speech, which makes him want to run a marathon after he's done. When we sat down, I thought it would all be ok. Everybody was peaceful, and then it happened. The entire sugar holder found itself empty on the table, and on the floor. Once that was accomplished, I tried redirecting him to magazines. I did manage to pick up the sugar packets, but while I was doing that my little guy decided to run laps around the table. He did eat fairly well, so at least there was that. It was just one of the mortifying moments that happens in my world. When ...

Are you setting a good example?

photo credit: Chicago's North Shore Conventions & Visitors Burea via photopin cc As parents there is one truth that is universal. Say it with me, we are not perfect. We try. There are Moms out there that attend every playgroup and have every possible thing their child (or somebody else's child) could need. I see you! There are the moms that are part of every school organization that exists in their area. Then there are some of us who are doing well to get the kids dressed in the morning and keep up with the demands of our day. All of those Moms and Dads too share one common thread because we are all doing the best we can. Being human though, we are bound to make mistakes. We will slip from time to time. How you handle those slip ups is the important part. Our children are a reflection of us.  That is bold for a reason. They are. When we sneak snacks from the kitchen thinking the kids aren't looking, chances are our kids are doing it too. When we stub our toe an...

Ramblings of a very tired Mommy

                                       photo credit: The World According To Marty via photopin cc   This year, I experienced the joys of preschool. The good, the bad, and the really annoying. It was very exciting for my son to enter a school enviornment, don't get me wrong. My son writes his name, he counts to 20, he sings a ton of cute songs too. So there is a lot to be proud of. Let me start with the good. I love that he has a structured day. He gets to play with other children and even gets recess. I really like his teacher and he is in a great school. He has made friends too. So overall, preschool is a hit. Then there's the bad. Sickness. SO. MUCH. SICKNESS. We have had 3 colds, the flu, and hand foot and mouth disease in a matter of 6 months! Pair that with the yucky winter that gave us a snow day a week for quite a while and it's safe to say he missed a lot of schoo...

Part 1-Personal Spring Cleaning.

When we make mistakes, it is best to grow from them than to let them define you. There are so many times in life that I really think everybody falls into that hole. We screw up, and we know we did. Sometimes we dig a hole so deep, we really can not get out of it.We can not always reverse things. I'm not going to share my story yet, but I do want to share my journey. I want to share that when life gives you a million lemons, you don't have to drown in them. You can get back up. You can turn the lemons into something more. So, the first thing I have to say is when I've faced hard times- I cry. Sounds like a child, doesn't it? The truth is research shows crying is good for you. No, I don't force myself. On the other hand,  I don't try to be a superwoman about it either. It is not good to hold things in. Admittedly, I'm guilty of holding in some things. The point is, there's no shame in having to cry it out sometimes. Is crying all there is to it? No. We...