Have you checked your air filter?

I've spent this week with a nasty cold. (My Facebook friends can probably attest to that with my whining about that fact over the past few days!) After first trying cold pills, I was desperate for any means to breathe. I tried my humidifier. I added vapor steam to it after the humidifier alone was unsuccessful. I even sat at our desk with a bowl of boiling water and a towel! Still stuffy. Still really annoyed. Then a couple nights ago I had the news on and heard them talking about a program where you can buy an air filter and it sends you one when you need to replace it and a light bulb went off. Since we moved into our home in November, we hadn't changed our air filter. Today, it's changed. The filter that was there was FULL of dust and other allergens. Needless to say, I don't feel quite as stuffy. My tool of choice for today- the air filter. Make sure you know when to change it and check it. Cold and flu season may be a little less painful with a clean air filter in your home. For those of you who want to know about the news story, here is a link to the site so you can get your air filter automatically. Save the guess work! http://www.ontimeairfilters.com


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